Seven Terms That GuaranteeYou’re Being Overcharged

Whether you’ve just started shopping for a merchant account or you’ve had one for years, don’t let a credit card processing company take money right out of your pocket! There are seven terms to avoid if you want to ensure that you’re not being overcharged for credit card processing.… read more

Are You Cultivating Creativity in Your Small Business?

Ever hired a new employee and experienced the frustration of them wanting to do things a ‘new’ way? Perhaps you’ve been selling, organizing, or administrating the same way for months (or even years) and now this ‘new’ person wants to try something that they think is ‘better.’ Rather than seeing their idea as a challenge to your leadership, what would happen if you actually cultivated space for their creative vision?read more

Want Guaranteed Success as a Small Business? Solve a Problem!

I meet entrepreneurs all the time who are (over)flowing with passion about their new idea, gadget, or shiny-new-thingy. They’ve be drinking deeply from the well of their own Kool-Aid, and they can’t seem to get enough. One of the first questions I always ask them is… “What problem are you solving?” They usually look at me with that deer-in-the-headlights look accompanied by a “huh?” “What’s the problem?” I ask again.… read more

Top Credit Card Processors (to Avoid)

When we launched Best Merchant Rates in 2005, I was already aware of how much “bait and switch” was going on in the merchant account industry. We set out to be unique – to actually provide full disclosure with transparent pricing.… read more

Best Merchant Rates Featured in Major Publications

With the start of our new web-based education series, Best Merchant Rates is directly addressing the confusion that many small business owners experience in the process of acquiring a merchant account. By investigating specific merchant account providers such as Costco, Quickbooks, Elavon, and Chase Bank, we are highlighting hidden fees and escalating rates that aren’t discovered oftentimes until the merchant’s first statement arrives.… read more